DRAFT FederalProjectSchema

Web form generated directly from the DRAFT FederalProjectSchema with json-editor

Markdown Editor

The information generated from the form above (i.e json), can be converted into Yet Another Markup Language (.yaml or .yml). YAML is very human-readble yet can handle hierarchies/nested data within a single/flat file. YAML is commonly used by most static site generators to manage a "page's" metadata or structured content like keywords/categories/layouts/etc. or can inject this information directly into reusable html templates this is how a static site appears to be interactive. The JSON editor is used to manage/enforce data validation (ex. picking from list of pre-registered options) much like a traditional Content Management System (CMS) but without any dedicated server and database needed. The markdown (.md) created using the editor below can be combined (with the above JSON/YAML) to create a single .md file ready to be added to any Static Site.

JSON Output

You can also make changes to the JSON here and set the value in the editor by clicking

YAML Output (TBD)


You can change the schema and see how the generated form looks. After you make changes, click


Direct Link (preserves schema, value, and options)


This will update whenever the form changes to show validation errors if there are any.