Test Case Summary

Test Case ID


Test Case Description

The aria-live politeness setting is used to set the priority with which screen readers should announce updates to designated live regions. The options are off, polite and assertive. With the exceptions of the ARIA roles of alert, log, and status (with default option settings of assertive, polite, and polite respectively), the default aria-live option is off. For any live region meant to convey meaningful information to assistive technology, the off setting, being the same as the omission of the live region altogether, would represent a failure of accessibility.

The code sample presents aria-live='off'. A successful test should identify a failure against Baseline Test 5.1-ChangeContent.

Applicable ICT Baseline Test

5.1 Test Procedure for Changes in Content

Baseline Test ID: 5.1-ChangeContent

Test Instruction: 1

Test Case Detail

Expected Baseline Result


After content change, the text updated in the code sample is neither programmatically bound, given focus, nor included in a live region.

Test Data

Single-Page URL

Embedded Code

Test Case Instruction

Test Instruction Instruction Detail Expected Test Case Result
IC-1 Identify changes in presented content (both user driven and automatic). Examples include changes to images, navigation trees, data table sort controls, automatic information updates, form elements, revealed content, etc.
  • It may be necessary to use the mouse to determine whether state changes occur on hover or on click.
  • Depending on the component, a change of state may be triggered by various actions, such as changing values or states of other components, toggling a function, entering data in the component, mouseover, etc.
APPLICABLE: The content (text) changes on selection of a button element - either by mouse or keyboard selection. The value of HTML text changes in response to a clicking the "Update" button element.
5.1-1 Check that the page provides a notification of the change in content programmatically. [SC 4.1.2]
  • Programmatic event notifications include alert dialogs, focus shifts to the content that changed, and ARIA live regions.
Fail: the test case does not provide a programmatic notification of change in content through alerts, shift in focus, or use of ARIA live regions. The aria-live region attribute is set to “off” and does not provide a programmatic notification.
Result If any of the above checks fail, then Baseline Test 5.1-ChangeContent fails. 5.1-1 check fails.