Test Case Summary

Test Case ID


Test Case Description

Adding the ARIA role=”none” to a <table> element instructs assistive technologies to ignore the table’s structural semantics (i.e., the table’s header and data cell relationships). Data tables require the programmatic, table structure semantics to properly understand the relationships between table headers and data cells. Therefore, if a <table> element also includes role=”presentation” then it fails to provide sufficient programmatic information to assistive technology users to properly navigate and fully understand the data.

The code sample includes a <table> element that also includes role=”none”. A successful test should identify a FAIL against Baseline 12.1 because the table DOES NOT provide sufficient programmatic information about the table header and data cell relationships.

Applicable ICT Baseline Test

12.1 Test Procedure for Data Tables

Baseline Test ID: 12.1-DataTable

Test Instruction: 2

Test Case Detail

Expected Baseline Result


Because the <table> element includes an ARIA role=”none”, assistive technologies do not have access to the table header header and data cell relationships necessary for understanding the data in the table. The table fails Baseline test 12.1 because of inadequately defined programmatic relationships in the table.

Test Data

Single-Page URL

Embedded Code

Test Case Instruction

Test Instruction Instruction Detail Expected Test Case Result
IC-1 All content/data visually presented in a table with column and/or row headers where the content is not in a meaningful sequence when linearized. (Note: Linearization of table content is the presentation of a table’s two-dimensional content in one-dimensional order of the content in the source, beginning with the first cell in the first row and ending with the last cell in the last row, from left to right, top to bottom.) One <table> exists in the test data code sample. The table is a data table; understanding the data in the table requires understanding the table header and data cell relationships. Linearizing would distort the meaning of the information/data compared to the visual presentation.
12.1-1 Table: Check that each data table has programmatic markup to identify it as a table using one of the following techniques [SC 1.3.1]: HTML <table>; ARIA role="table"; ARIA role="grid" Pass: The table is contained in a <table> element.
12.1-2 Check that the data <table> element DOES NOT have role="presentation" or role="none". [SC 1.3.1] Fail: The data <table> element has role="none".
Result If any of the above checks fail, then Baseline Test 12.1-DataTable fails. 12.1-2 check fails.