Test Case Summary

Test Case ID


Test Case Description

Visually apparent headings programmatically identified with both HTML and ARIA with matching heading levels.

A successful test should identify a PASS against Baseline 13.2 Visual Headings.

Applicable ICT Baseline Test

13.2 Test Procedure for Visual Headings

Baseline Test ID: 13.2-VisHeadingProg

Test Instruction: All

Test Case Detail

Expected Baseline Result


The visually apparent headings in the code sample have multiple heading levels and are identified using BOTH native heading elements AND ARIA role=heading and appropriate ARIA-level attributes

Test Data

Single-Page URL

Embedded Code

Test Case Instruction

Test Instruction Instruction Detail Expected Test Case Result
IC-1 Visually apparent headings, which denote sections of content. Headings are often in a larger, bolded font separated from paragraphs by extra spacing (though not always). Note the hierarchy and structure of each heading with respect to other headings on the page.  
13.2-1 Check that all visual headings are programmatically determinable and that programmatic heading levels logically match the visual heading presentation within the heading structure [SC 1.3.1].  
13.2-1.a The most important heading(s) should have the highest priority level. For example, <h1> is a higher level than <h2>, which is higher than <h3>. Pass: The visual <h1> heading is higher than the visual <h2> heading, which is higher than the <h3> headings.
13.2-1.b Headings with an equal or higher level start a new section; headings with a lower level start new subsections that are part of the higher leveled section. Pass: the visual hierarchy of the headings is correct
13.2-1.c HTML or ARIA programmatically identify each heading. When both are used, heading levels must match. H42: each heading is marked with <h1> to <h6>. ARIA12: each heading is marked with role="heading" and aria-level="#". The default heading level is “2” when none is specified. Pass: all headings are programmatically identified by HTML and ARIA, and heading levels match.
Result If the above check fails, then Baseline Test 13.2-VisHeadingProg fails. PASS