Sustainable Development Goals - 17 Goals to Transform our World

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Indicator 12.2.2: Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP

US personal consumption expenditure (goods) per capita in millions of US dollars


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This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from US statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from US statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other US-specific metadata information.

Actual indicator available Personal Consumption Expenditure, Goods
Actual indicator available - description Goods purchased by “persons”—that is, by households and by nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs)—who are resident in the United States.
Date of national source publication 4/2019
Method of computation DMC reports the amount of materials that are used that are used in a national economy. DMC is a territorial (production side) indicator. DMC also presents the amount of material that needs to be handled within an economy, which is either added to material stocks of buildings and transport infrastructure or used to fuel the economy as material throughput. DMC describes the physical dimension of economic processes and interactions. It can also be interpreted as long-term waste equivalent. Per-capita DMC describes the average level of material use in an economy ' an environmental pressure indicator - and is also referred to as metabolic profile.
Periodicity Annual
Scheduled update by national source 5/2019
U.S. method of computation
Comments and limitations Values are nominal
Date metadata updated 2019-5-24
Disaggregation geography
Unit of measurement Domestic Material Consumption: Millions of Dollars, Per Capita: Dollars
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period 2000-2018
Scheduled update by SDG team

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP
Target name By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Global indicator description Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy. It is calculated as direct imports (IM) of material plus domestic extraction (DE) of materials minus direct exports (EX) of materials measured in metric tonnes. DMC measures the amount of materials that are used in economic processes. It does not include materials that are mobilized the process of domestic extraction but do not enter the economic process. DMC is based on official economic statistics and it requires some modelling to adapt the source data to the methodological requirements of the MFA. The accounting standard and accounting methods are set out in the EUROSTAT guidebooks for MFA accounts in the latest edition of 2013. MFA accounting is also part of the central framework of the System of integrated EnvironmentalEconomic Accounts (SEEA).
UN designated tier 1
UN custodial agency UNEP (Partnering Agencies: OECD)
Link to UN metadata UN metadata opens in a new window
Organisation Total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) by state (millions of dollars)
Agency Staff Name Andrew Craig
Agency Survey Dataset Total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) by state (millions of dollars)
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