Sustainable Development Goals - 17 Goals to Transform our World

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Indicator 8.10.1: (a) Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults and (b) number of automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults

Number of US commercial banking establishments


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This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from US statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from US statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other US-specific metadata information.

Actual indicator available Number of commercial banking establishments
Actual indicator available - description Number of commercial banking establishments
Date of national source publication November 2015
Method of computation
Periodicity Quinquennial
Scheduled update by national source November 2017
U.S. method of computation Data are derived from the Economic Census conducted by the US Census Bureau
Comments and limitations NA
Date metadata updated 2017-10-04
Disaggregation geography National, State, Metro Areas, County, Place (2012) National, State and Metro Areas (2007)
Unit of measurement Number
Disaggregation categories SIC: 5221101, 5221102
International and national references NA
Time period The Economic Census has been conducted every five years for the Finance and Insurance industries since 1992
Scheduled update by SDG team

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name Number of commercial bank branches and automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults
Target name Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all.
Global indicator description Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults Calculated as: (number of ATMs)*100,000/adult population in the reporting country. Number of branches per 100,000 adults Calculated as follows: (number of institutions + number of branches)*100,000/adult population in the reporting country - calculated separately for commercial banks, credit unions and financial cooperatives, and all MFIs.
UN designated tier 1
UN custodial agency IMF(Partnering Agencies: UNCDF)
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Organisation US Census Bureau, Economic Census of Finance and Insurance
Agency Staff Name Faye Jacobs
Agency Survey Dataset US Census Bureau, Economic Census of Finance and Insurance
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