Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 17 Metas para transformar nuestro mundo

Garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles

Indicador 12.5.1: Tasa nacional de reciclado, en toneladas de material reciclado

National recycling rate, tons of material recycled

Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de US.

Actual indicator available National Recycle Rate of Municipal Solid Waste
Actual indicator available - description The national recycle rated is the proportion of material recycled or composted from all municipal solid waste generated
Date of national source publication July 2018
Method of computation
Periodicity Annual
Scheduled update by national source December 2019
U.S. method of computation National tonnage totals for Municipal Solid Waste are characterized in the Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures report. The total tonnage of materials recycled and those composted are added together. This sum is then divided by the total of all material waste generated. Full methodology on how tonnages are calculated is located: https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/methodology-epas-facts-and-figures-materials
Comments and limitations Tonnages from international imports and exports are included in development of the national municipal solid waste metrics found in the Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures report, but the report does not include detailed information in this category.
Date metadata updated June 12. 2019
Disaggregation geography
Unidad de medida The rate is a percentage, derived from a portion of all municipal solid waste generated in tons
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period The Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures report includes annual municipal solid waste management metrics dating from 1960-2015.
Scheduled update by SDG team

Esta tabla proporciona información sobre los metadatos para los indicadores de los ODS tal como los define la Comisión de Estadística de la ONU. La División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas proporciona los metadatos globales completos .

Nombre del indicador National recycling rate, tons of material recycled
Nombre de destino By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
Descripción del indicador global
Nivel designado por la ONU 3
UN custodial agency UNSD, UNEP (Partnering Agencies: OECD< Eurostat)
Enlace a los metadatos de la ONU UN metadata Se abre en una nueva ventana
Organización U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Agency Staff Name
Agency Survey Dataset
Enlace a la fuente de datos https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/advancing-sustainable-materials-management Se abre en una nueva ventana