Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 17 Metas para transformar nuestro mundo

Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles

Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de US.

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U.S. method of computation
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International and national references
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Scheduled update by SDG team

Esta tabla proporciona información sobre los metadatos para los indicadores de los ODS tal como los define la Comisión de Estadística de la ONU. La División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas proporciona los metadatos globales completos .

Nombre del indicador Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles
Nombre de destino Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime.
Descripción del indicador global Definition This indicator measures the proportion of countries that have internationally recognized independent (NHRIs) based on the rules of procedure of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions (ICC). Concepts A National Human Rights Institution is an independent administrative body set up by a State to promote and protect human rights. NHRIs are State bodies with a constitutional and/or legislative mandate to protect and promote human rights. They are part of the State apparatus and are funded by the State. However, they operate and function independently from government. While their specific mandate may vary, the general role of NHRIs is to address discrimination in all its forms, as well as to promote the protection of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Core functions of NHRIs include complaint handling, human rights education and making recommendations on law reform. Effective NHRIs are an important link between government and civil society, in so far as they help bridge the 'protection gap' between the rights of individuals and the responsibilities of the State. Six models of NHRIs exist across all regions of the world today, namely: Human rights commissions, Human rights ombudsman institutions, Hybrid institutions, Consultative and advisory bodies, Institutes and centres and multiple institutions. An Independent NHRI is an institution with 'A level' accreditation status as benchmarked against the United Nations Paris Principles, which were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.1 The process of accreditation is conducted through peer review by the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) of the ICC. There are three possible types of accreditation: A: Compliance with Paris Principles B: Observer Status ' Not fully in compliance with the Paris Principles or insufficient information provided to make a determination C: Non-compliant with the Paris Principles Accreditation by the ICC entails a determination whether the NHRI is compliant, both in law and practice, with the Paris principles, the principal source of the normative standards for NHRIs, as well as with the General Observations developed by the SCA. Other international standards may also be taken into account by the SCA, including the provisions related to the establishment of national mechanisms in the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment as well as in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Likewise, the SCA looks at any NHRI-related recommendation from the international human rights mechanisms, notably, the Treaty Bodies, Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and special procedures. The process also looks into the effectiveness and level of engagement with international human rights systems. Method of computation The indicator is computed as the accreditation classification, namely A, B or C of the NHRI.
Nivel designado por la ONU 1
UN custodial agency OHCHR
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