Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 17 Metas para transformar nuestro mundo

Promover el crecimiento económico sostenido, inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo pleno y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos

Indicador 8.9.1: PIB generado directamente por el turismo en proporción al PIB total y a la tasa de crecimiento

Growth Rate of Direct Tourism GDP as a Proportion of Total GDP


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Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de US.

Actual indicator available Travel and Tourism Satellite Account
Actual indicator available - description All statistics are reported for the total tourism for the U.S., as well as broken out by four major commodity groups ( Traveler accommodations, Transportation, Food and beverage services, and Recreation, entertainment and shopping), and four minor subcategories. Transportation is divided into two subcategories; Passenger air and All other transportation-related commodities, while Recreation, entertainment and shopping is divided into; Recreation and entertainment, and Shopping.
Date of national source publication June 2018 via BEA's Survey of Current Business
Method of computation Satellite accounts are based on the latest US Input Output tables. Fisher chained indices are used for computing constant dollar statistics.
Periodicity Annual
Scheduled update by national source June, 2019
U.S. method of computation Satellite accounts are based on the latest US Input Output tables. We use Fisher chained indices for computing constant dollar statistics. https://www.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2017/06%20June/0617_travel_and_tourism_satellite_accounts.pdf
Comments and limitations Data Inputs
Date metadata updated 1530403200000
Disaggregation geography US
Unidad de medida Output (nominal and real levels, nominal and real growth rate), Prices (chained 2009 dollars, level and growth rate), Employment (level and growth rate)
Disaggregation categories Traveler Accommodations, Transportation (Air Transportation, All Other Transportation Related Commodities), Food and Beverage Services, Recreation, Entertainment, and Shopping
International and national references
Time period 2007-2016
Scheduled update by SDG team

Esta tabla proporciona información sobre los metadatos para los indicadores de los ODS tal como los define la Comisión de Estadística de la ONU. La División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas proporciona los metadatos globales completos .

Nombre del indicador Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate
Nombre de destino By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.
Descripción del indicador global Tourism Direct GDP (TDGDP) is defined as the sum of the part of gross value added (at basic prices) generated by all industries in response to internal tourism consumption plus the amount of net taxes on products and imports included within the value of this expenditure at purchasers' prices (TSA: RMF 2008 para. 4.96). Presenting this economic contribution of tourism as a share of GDP shows the relative size of the tourism sector in the economy.
Nivel designado por la ONU 2
UN custodial agency UNWTO (Partnering Agencies: UNEP)
Enlace a los metadatos de la ONU Link Se abre en una nueva ventana
Organización Bureau of Economic Analysis
Agency Staff Name Andrew Craig (Kali Kong July, 2018)
Agency Survey Dataset Bureau of Economic Analysis
Enlace a la fuente de datos https://www.bea.gov/scb/2018/06-june/0618-us-travel-tourism-satellite-account.htm Se abre en una nueva ventana