Objectifs de développement durable - 17 objectifs pour transformer notre monde

Assurer à tous une éducation équitable, inclusive et de qualité et des possibilités d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie

Indicateur 4.7.1: Degré d’intégration de i) l’éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale et ii) l’éducation au développement durable, y compris l’égalité des sexes et le respect des droits de l’homme, dans a) les politiques nationales d’éducation, b) les programmes d’enseignement, c) la formation des enseignants et d) l’évaluation des étudiants

Percentage of US 8th graders attending public or private schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent


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Cette table fournit des métadonnées pour l'indicateur réel disponible à partir des statistiques US les plus proches de l'indicateur SDG global correspondant. Veuillez noter que même lorsque l'indicateur global des ODD est entièrement disponible à partir des statistiques US, ce tableau devrait être consulté pour obtenir des informations sur la méthodologie nationale et d'autres informations sur les métadonnées spécifiques à un pays_adjectif.

Actual indicator available Percentage of 8th grade respondents who are in public and private schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent.
Actual indicator available - description The assessment, student, and school data are based on a civic framework that incorporates ideas and input from subject area experts, school administrators, policymakers, teachers, parents, and others. The NAEP Civics Framework describes the assessment content and how students' responses are evaluated. This framework shaped the 1998, 2006, 2010, and 2014 civics assessments. The assessment exercises and scoring criteria were developed by a committee of civics educators and curriculum experts to capture the goals of the framework. The framework, which describes the goals of the civics assessment and what kind of exercises it ought to feature, was created by the Board through a comprehensive national process involving educators, researchers, measurement experts, administrators, and members of the general public. The NAEP Civics Standing Committee was instrumental in developing the assessment, guided by the framework. The framework describes the types of texts and questions to be included in the assessment, as well as how the questions should be designed and scored. The framework recommends that the assessment should be organized around three main components: 1) Knowledge; 2) Intellectual and participatory skills; 3) Civic dispositions. Variable name Variable label i4_7_1_total Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, total i4_7_1_male Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, male i4_7_1_female Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, female i4_7_1_disabilities Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, with disabilities i4_7_1_nodisabilities Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, without disabilities i4_7_1_urban Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, urban i4_7_1_suburban Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, suburban i4_7_1_town Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, town i4_7_1_rural Percent of 8th graders in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent, rural
Date of national source publication April 2015
Method of computation
Periodicity Every 4 years
Scheduled update by national source April 2019
U.S. method of computation Percentage of 8th grade respondents who are in schools that emphasize "world affairs" to a moderate or great extent.
Comments and limitations The SDG 4.7.1 concept is difficult to define and measure, and it involves a wide array of different concepts and processes that are difficult to reduce to a statistical indicator. Particular with countries with federal education systems, such as the United States, there is no way to measure this indicator with available data even if the concepts were clear. Local and state education agencies are responsible for determining student curriculum. Individual schools of teacher education would set the curriculum for their programs. In 2018, OECD will begin collection of global citizenship data in PISA. The PISA 2018 assessment aims to build a single scale that measures to what extent students are able to use their knowledge and understand, recognize relationships and perspectives, and think critically about a specific global or intercultural issue. This scale would be based solely on the Global Competence cognitive items, see (https://www.oecd.org/pisa/aboutpisa/Global-competency-for-an-inclusive-world.pdf). This study would offer widely used assessment score that could be compared across countries. It is strongly recommended to adopt this metric, rather the proposed indicator 4.7.1 which is too broad and vaguely defined to be expressed as a statistical indicator, at least without considerable development. Note that the U.S. response for this indicator is for only one grade group and one element of the potential framework that could be used to construct a composite suitable for measuring the desired concept.
Date metadata updated October 2016
Disaggregation geography National
Unité de mesure Percentage
Disaggregation categories sex, disability status, and urbanicity
International and national references https://www.oecd.org/pisa/aboutpisa/Global-competency-for-an-inclusive-world.pdf
Time period 2014
Scheduled update by SDG team

Ce tableau fournit des informations sur les métadonnées pour les indicateurs SDG définis par la Commission de statistique des Nations Unies. Les métadonnées globales complètes sont fournies par la Division de statistique de l'ONU.

Nom de l'indicateur Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed at all levels in: (a) national education policies, (b) curricula, (c) teacher education and (d) student assessment
Nom de la cible By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development.
Description de l'indicateur global
Niveau désigné par les Nations Unies 3 (with data)
UN custodial agency UNESCO-UIS (Partnering Agencies: OECD, UNEP, UN Women)
Lien vers les métadonnées UN Link Ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Organisation National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress, Civics Assessment.
Agency Staff Name Tom Snyder
Agency Survey Dataset National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress, Civics Assessment.
Lien vers la source de données http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/civics/ Ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre