Objectifs de développement durable - 17 objectifs pour transformer notre monde

Promouvoir une croissance économique soutenue, partagée et durable, le plein emploi productif et un travail décent pour tous

Indicateur 8.5.1: Rémunération horaire moyenne des salariés hommes et femmes, par profession, âge et situation au regard du handicap

 Median weekly earnings in US dollars of women ages 16 and over who indicated they have a disability, employed as full-time wage and salary workers


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Cette table fournit des métadonnées pour l'indicateur réel disponible à partir des statistiques US les plus proches de l'indicateur SDG global correspondant. Veuillez noter que même lorsque l'indicateur global des ODD est entièrement disponible à partir des statistiques US, ce tableau devrait être consulté pour obtenir des informations sur la méthodologie nationale et d'autres informations sur les métadonnées spécifiques à un pays_adjectif.

Actual indicator available Usual weekly earnings of employed full-time wage and salary workers by disability status, age, sex
Actual indicator available - description Median weekly earnings of employed full-time wage and salary workers who indicated they have a disability.
Date of national source publication Early 2019
Method of computation
Periodicity Annual
Scheduled update by national source Annual data for 2019 will be available in early 2020
U.S. method of computation Source: Current Population Survey (CPS) - a monthly national sample household survey. Technical Documentation and Methodology: https://www.bls.gov/cps/documentation.htm. Information about the disability data is also available at https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsdisability_faq.htm
Comments and limitations Earnings data by occupation for people with a disability are not available.
Date metadata updated May 2019
Disaggregation geography
Unité de mesure Median weekly earnings in U.S. dollars.
Disaggregation categories Disability
International and national references U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - www.bls.gov
Time period 2009 - 2018
Scheduled update by SDG team

Ce tableau fournit des informations sur les métadonnées pour les indicateurs SDG définis par la Commission de statistique des Nations Unies. Les métadonnées globales complètes sont fournies par la Division de statistique de l'ONU.

Nom de l'indicateur Average hourly earnings of female and male employees, by occupation, age and persons with disabilities
Nom de la cible By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.
Description de l'indicateur global The gender wage gap measures the relative difference between the average hourly earnings for men and the average hourly earnings for women. It is computed as the difference between the gross average hourly earnings of male and female employees expressed as percentage of gross average hourly earnings of male employees. Earnings refers to regular remuneration received from employers, in cash and in kind, and includes direct wages and salaries for time worked or work done, remuneration for time not worked (e.g. paid annual leave), as well as bonuses and gratuities that are regularly received. It excludes contributions paid by employers to social security and pension schemes in respect of their employees, benefits received by employees under these schemes, and severance and termination pay.
Niveau désigné par les Nations Unies 2
UN custodial agency ILO
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Organisation U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics/Current Population Survey
Agency Staff Name BLS Division of International Technical Cooperation staff
Agency Survey Dataset U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics/Current Population Survey
Lien vers la source de données https://www.bls.gov/cps/ Ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre