/accounts (GET)
List official U.S. government social media accounts entries in the registry. This method is also available as an ATOM feed.
- agency_id: ID (from /agencies)
- service_id: ID (from /services)
- tag: text
- page_size: integer
- page_number: integer
- page_count: integer
- page_number: integer
- total_items: integer
- service_url: text
- verified : boolean
- service_id: ID
- account: text
- details_url: text
- organization: text
- agencies
- agency_id: text
- agency_name: text
- agency_url: text
Example Calls
List all official accounts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: http://registry.usa.gov/accounts?agency_id=usda
List all official Twitter accounts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: http://registry.usa.gov/accounts?service=twitter&agency_id=hhs
/accounts/{service ID} (GET)
A synonym for /accounts?service_id={service}, provided for REST-style browsing.
/accounts/{service ID}/{account} (GET)
A synonym for the /accounts/verify method, using a canonical service and account ID provided by that method. For example, the service and account ID for http://twitter.com/JPL_Bear might be twitter/JPL_Bear, making the canonical URL take the form http://registry.usa.gov/accounts/twitter/JPL_Bear
This is provided primarily for REST-style browsing.
/accounts/verify (GET)
Check whether the provided URL is registered as an official government social media account. Example: /accounts/verify?service_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F%23%21%2FJPL_Bear
service_url: URL (required)
- verified: boolean
- service_url: URL
- service_id: ID (from /services list)
- account: text
(if verified is true:)
- details_url: URL
- organization: text
- info_url: text
- agencies
- agency_id: text
- agency_name: text
- agency_url: text
- tags: list
- language: text
- display_name: text
- updated_by: text
- updated_at: ISO 8601 date
/agencies (GET)
List the sponsoring agencies that may be specified in the /accounts/add method.
- none
- page_count: integer
- total_items: integer
- page_number: integer
- agencies: list
- agency_id: text
- agency_name: text
- agency_url: text
/services (GET)
List the social media services that are currently supported in the /accounts/add method.
- none
- page_count: integer
- total_items: integer
- page_number: integer
- services: list
- service_id: text
- service_name: text
/tags (GET)
List tags that are suggested for describing an account.
- keywords: text
- tags: list
- tag_id: text
- tag_text: text