Field reference for Sample API data

The fields below are returned in the Sample API.

Systems API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the System. integer
Name Name of the System. string
RespOrg Responsible Organization of the System. string
BusOrg Full name and 1 or 2-letter symbol of the organization that uses/owns the business capabilities application provides. string
BusOrgSymbolAndName The high-level GSA organization (1-letter symbol) that uses/owns the business capabilities the application provides. string
DisplayName Display name of the organization. string
FedContractorLoc Federal or Contractor system. string
FIPS_Impact_Level FIPS impact level. string
BusApp This yes/no field denotes whether a system is a business system or not. string
ATODate ATO Date. string
ATOType ATO Type. string
RenewalDate Renewal (Expiration) date. string
ComplFISMA Current assessment for the current fiscal year. string
PII PII indicator. string
CloudYN Cloud indicator. string
CSP Hosting Provider. string
ServiceType Type of service. string
FISMASystemIdentifier FISMA System identifier. string
Status System status. string
InactiveDate Date System went inactive. string
Description Description of System. string
SystemLevel Level of System. string
ParentName Name of parent System. string
SubSystem_Tag Tag of subsystem id. string
Reportable Returns if the System should be reportable(displayed). string
SharedService Government Wide Shared Service. string
POC Point of Contact. string
AO Authorizing Official. string
SO System Owner. string
ISSM Information System Security Manager (ISSM). string
ISSO Information System Security Officer (ISSO). string
CO Contracting Officer. string
COR Contracting Officer Representative. string
BusPOC Business Point of Contact. string
TechPOC Technical Point of Contact. string
DataSteward The Data Steward ensures data integrity throughout the lifecycle of a system. string
RelatedArtifacts Artifacts related to the System. string
IT Standards API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the IT Standard. integer
Name Name of the IT Standard. string
Description Description of IT Standard. string
ApprovalExpirationDate Date that the current approval status exires. string
Vendor_Standard_Organization Technology Vendor/Manufacturer Name. string
Available_through_Myview Returns availability through Myview. string
Gold_Image Image of GSA standard desktop. string
Gold_Image_Comment Additional details pertaining to the GSA standard desktop image. string
Comments Additional comments to add context to the IT Standard entry. string
Old_Id Id that is old. integer
ReferenceDocument Identifies the URL for the SalesForce record that stores the current status (historical record) of the technology approval process. string
CreateDTG The date/time that this object was initially created. string
ChangeDTG The date/time that this object was last updated/changed. string
Status The status of the IT Standard. One of the following values:
  • Approved - Preferred
  • Approved - Maintain
  • Pilot
  • Proposed
  • Exception
  • Sunsetting
  • Denied
  • Not Yet Submitted
DeploymentType The typical deployment of an IT Standard. One of the following values:
  • Desktop
  • Server
  • PaaS
  • SaaS
StandardType Type of IT Standard. string
ComplianceStatus Status of IT Standard compliance. string
POC The point of contact for this IT Standard string
Category Category of IT Standard. string
Manufacturer The unique identifier for manufacturer string
SoftwareVersion The unique identifier for software version string
SoftwareProductName The complete name of the product as presented by the vendor in the software license as well as other official documentations and/or website string
ManufacturerName The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) string
SoftwareVersionName The software version name or number string
SoftwareRelease The unique identifier for software releases string
SoftwareReleaseName Concatenation of manufacturerName + softwareProductName + softwareVersionName string
SoftwareReleaseIsToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a Software Release record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) string
SoftwareReleaseToBeDeletedOn The date when the Software Release record will be deleted string
EndOfLifeDate The last date when full support for a product is provided by the vendor, and standardized to follow BDNA’s date format. Partial support may still be still available string
attestation_required This field denotes whether an attestation letter is required by the software producer. Federal agencies must only use software provided by software producers who can attest to complying with the Government-specified secure. Software development practices, as described in the NIST Special Publication 800-218. A software producer’s self-attestation serves as a conformance statement described by the NIST Guidance. The agency must obtain a self-attestation for all third-party software subject to the requirements of this memorandum used by the agency, including software renewals and major version changes. string
attestation_link This field provides a URL link to the attestation letter of the software producer. Federal agencies must only use software provided by software producers who can attest to complying with the Government-specified secure software development practices, as described in the NIST Special Publication 800-218. A software producer’s self-attestation serves as a conformance statement described by the NIST Guidance. The agency must obtain a self-attestation for all third-party software subject to the requirements of this memorandum used by the agency, including software renewals and major version changes. string
ApprovedVersions Unless otherwise stated, all minor versions share the same approval status as the version listed. For example, if version “1.0” is listed and has a status of “Approved”, then version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. are also approved. string
fedramp Denotes whether or not a cloud software has been FedRAMP certified. The FedRAMP Authorization Act codifies the FedRAMP program as the authoritative standardized approach to security assessment and authorization for cloud computing products and services that process unclassified federal information. string
open_source Denotes whether or not the software is an open source software. Open source refers to software that can be accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone. OSS is often distributed under licenses that comply with the definition of 'Open Source' provided by the Open Source Initiative ( and/or that meet the definition of 'Free Software' provided by the Free Software Foundation. string
Request Item (RITM) Request Items (RITMs) contain the actual form the customer submitted and links to one or more tasks required for fulfillment. RITMs can be assigned to a fulfillment group, not an individual. string
OldName string
The name of the software as it was originally entered into the system using an open-text data field. The IT standards team has transitioned to using standardized naming conventions for software. If no standard naming convention can be found, the title of the software on the front-end of GEAR will revert to using this name, the original name of the software as it was entered into GEAR. string
StandardType Denotes whether the IT standard is a type of hardware, software, or an industry standard. string
ComplianceStatus This field denotes the compliance level of an IT standard entry in meeting the tenets of Section 508. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that, when developing, procuring, maintaining, or using electronic and information technology, each Federal department or agency should ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access to and use of the information and data by those who are not individuals with disabilities string
POCorg Organization of the Point of Contact who requested the IT Standard string
FISMA System API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the FISMA System integer
RespOrg Organization responsible for FISMA System string
BusOrg Full name and 1 or 2-letter symbol of the organization that uses/owns the business capabilities application provides. string
Name Name of the FISMA System. string
DisplayName The short name of the organization that is related to this FISMA System. string
FedContractorLoc Is this FISMA System related to a Federal or Contractor location. string
FIPS_Impact_Level The FIPS 199 impact level of the FISMA System. One of the following values: High, Moderate, or Low. string
ATODate Date was the ATO isssued string
ATOType Type of ATO that certifies this FISMA System. string
RenewalDate Date when the ATO needs to be renewed. string
ComplFISMA Has the annual FISMA review for this FISMA System been completed for this Fiscal Year. string
PII PII indicator. string
CloudYN Cloud indicator. string
CSP Hosting provider. string
ServiceType Type of service. string
FISMASystemIdentifier FIMSA System identification. string
Status FISMA System status. string
InactiveDate Date the FISMA System went inactive. string
Description Additional details pertaining to FISMA System. string
SystemLevel Level of FISMA System. string
ParentName Name of parent System. string
SubSystem_Tag Tag of sub System ID. string
Reportable Returns if FISMA System is reportable (displayed). string
SharedService Returns if FISMA System is shared Government wide. string
POC Point of Contact for FISMA System. string
AO Authorizing Official for this FISMA System. string
SO System Owner for this FISMA System. string
ISSM ISSM for this FISMA System. string
ISSO ISSO for this FISMA System. string
CO Contracting Officer for this FISMA System. string
COR Contracting Officer Representative for this FISMA System. string
BusPOC Business Point of Contact. string
TechPOC Technical Point of Contact. string
RelatedArtifacts Letters and other artifacts related to this FISMA System. This will be returned as an array containing zero, one, or many Artifacts, containing the NAME of the Artifact and ReferenceDocuments, which will be the URL of the Artifact. string
SystemLevel This field denotes whether an entry is considered a system or a subsystem. A 'System' within GSA's Agency System Inventory, is tracked as 'FISMA Information System'. A 'Subsystem' is a system/application that may be coalesced together as subsystems of a single larger, more comprehensive system (FISMA System) for the purposes of security authorization. Minor applications/subsystems must be under the same management authority, have the same function or mission objective, the same operating characteristics, and information security needs, and reside in the same general operating environment(s). string
FIPS_Impact_Level The FIPS Impact Level is a security category of an information system established in FIPS 199 which classifies the intensity of a potential impact that may occur if the information system is jeopardized. string
Reportable Definition: This field denotes whether the FISMA system is reported to the Office of Management and Budget on a quarterly basis. Only those at the system level (i.e. not subsystems) are reported. Title III of the E-Government Act requiring each federal agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide program to provide information security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source. string
PII This field denotes whether the system/subsystem contains any Personally Identifiable Information. PII is any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means. string
CUI A yes/no designation for whether the system contains controlled unclassified information (CUI). CUI is information that does not meet the standards for National Security Classification under Executive Order 12958, as amended, but is (i) pertinent to the national interests of the United States or to the important interests of entities outside the federal government, and (ii) under law or policy requires protection from unauthorized disclosure, special handling safeguards, or prescribed limits on exchange or dissemination. string
RespOrg Identifies the GSA IT organization that is responsible for supporting the IT assets supporting the FISMA system or subsystem. string
Organization API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the Organization integer
Name Name of the Organization. string
DisplayName Display name of the Organization. string
OrgSymbol Organization symbol. string
SSOName One letter Organization name. string
TwoLetterOrgSymbol Two letter Organization symbol. string
TwoLetterOrgName Two letter Organization name. string
Parent Name of the Parent Organization. string
Capability API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the Capability integer
Name Name of the Capability. string
ReferenceNum The hierarchical reference number for this Capability. integer
Description Description of the Business Capability. string
Level Level of the Capability. string
Parent The parent capability to this Capability. string
Investment API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the IT Investment. integer
UII The Unique Investment ID for this IT Investment that is tracked in eCPIC. integer
Name Name of the IT Investment. string
Description Description of the IT Investment. string
Budget_Year Budget year for which the IT Investment information relates to. integer
Cloud_Alt Cloud status identified as part of CPIC integer
Comments Additional details pertaining to this IT Investment string
Start_Year The year this IT Investment started/will start. integer
End_Year The year this IT Investment will end. integer
InvManager The Point of Contact for this IT Investment string
Status The status of this IT Investment. string
Type How this IT Investment is characterized. Values are "Major IT Investment," "Non-Major Investment," or "Funding Transfer Investment" string
IT_Portfolio Investment portfolios for this IT Investment. string
PSA The Primary Service Area of this IT Investment. This is the main Business Capability that this investment supports. string
Updated_Date Date information the last official submitted in Folio/IT dashboard for CPIC. string
Total_Spend_PY An investment’s total spend in the previous year (PY). integer
Total_Spend_CY An investment’s total spend in the current year (CY). integer
Total_Spend_BY An investment’s total spend in the budget year (BY). A budget year is typically the current year (CY) plus 1. integer
DME_Agency_Fund_PY An investment's total development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) dollars in the previous year (PY). integer
DME_Contributions_CY An investment's total development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) dollars contributed in the current year (CY). integer
DME_Agency_Fund_BY An investment's total development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) dollars in the budget year (BY). integer
DME_Agency_Fund_CY An investment's total development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) dollars in the current year (CY). integer
DME_Contributions_BY An investment's total development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) dollars contributed in the budget year (BY). integer
DME_Contributions_PY DME agency contributions (PY). integer
DME_Budget_Auth_BY An investment's total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars authorized in the budget year (BY). integer
OnM_Agency_Fund_PY An investment’s total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars in the previous year (PY). integer
OnM_Contributions_PY An investment's total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars contributed in the previous year (PY). integer
OnM_Agency_Fund_CY An investment’s total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars in the current year (CY). integer
OnM_Contributions_CY An investment's total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars contributed in the current year (CY). integer
OnM_Agency_Fund_BY An investment’s total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars in the budget year (BY). integer
OnM_Contributions_BY An investment's total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars contributed in the budget year (BY). string
OnM_Budget_Auth_BY An investment's total operation and maintenance (O&M) dollars authorized in the budget year (BY). integer
POC API Fields
Field name Description Data type
SamAccountName The database key that identifies the POC integer
Name Name of the POC. string
Email Email of the POC. string
Phone Phone number of the POC. string
Organization Organization the POC is with. string
Records API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Rec_ID The database key that identifies the Record integer
Record_status Status of the Record. string
RG Each RG (Record Group) has a number. For example, records series created by the National Park Service are located within Record Group 79. string
GSA_Number GSA ID number. string
Record_Item_Title OAS Record name. string
Description Description of the Record. string
Retention_Instructions Retention instructions for this Record. string
Legal_Disposition_Authority Disposition authority for this Record. string
Type_Disposition Type of disposition. string
Date_DA_Approved Approval date. integer
Disposition_Notes Notes about the disposition for this Record. string
FP_Category The File Plan (FP) Category is the records retention schedule that determines how long to retain records. string
PII PII Indicator. string
CUI Cloud Indicator. string
FY_Retention_Years The number of fiscal years that a record is required to be retained. string
Search API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Id The database key that identifies the Search integer
Name Name of the Search. string
Description Description of the Search. string
GEAR_Type Type of search within GEAR. string
Other Other information related to the Search. string
System TIME API Fields
Field name Description Data type
System_Id The database key that identifies the System TIME integer
System_Name Name of the System TIME. string
FY The fiscal year that the TIME designation represents. integer
TIME Designation TIME (Tolerate, Invest, Migrate, or Eliminate) is a tool that is used to determine where a business system is in its lifecycle. string
Business Score The score that a system receives after a business POC for a system answers a TIME questionnaire about the business impact of the system. integer
Technical Score The score that a system receives after a technical POC for a system answers a TIME questionnaire about the technical impact of the system. integer
O&M Cost Operations and Maintenance cost for the fiscal year. string
DM&E Cost cost for the fiscal year. string
Software/Hardware License Cost cost for the fiscal year. string
Data Script Run The date/time that a Google script was executed to consolidate all of the completed TIME questionnaires in order to be imported into GEAR’s database. string
Questionnaire Last Updated Date questionnaire was last updated. string
POC Last Updated Date the point of contact was last updated. string
File Link A link to the completed TIME questionnaire. string
Websites API Fields
Field name Description Data type
Website_ID The database key that identifies the Website integer
domain Website URL. string
office Primary office that manages the site, typically the service or staff office (SSO) (one-letter office). string
sub_office Sub-office that owns the site, typically a two-letter office or deeper. string
contact_email Email for point of contact. string
site_owner_email Email for site owner. string
production_status Production status of Website. string
type_of_site Type of Website. string
redirects_to URL the Website redirects to. string
cms_platform The content management system (CMS) or platform the site uses to manage its content. string
required_by_law_or_policy Explanation of statutory requirements supporting creation of the site. string
has_dap Boolean field that states whether the website has the Digital Analytics Program (DAP) script embedded. string
mobile_friendly Indicator of whether a mobile version of the Website has been developed. boolean
has_search Returns if there is a search for Website. boolean
repository_url Repository URL for the Website. string
hosting_platform The platform or service provider the site uses for its web hosting. string
https https: States whether the site uses https encryption. boolean
customer_centricity A score between 0 and 1 that denotes how well the site adheres to human centered design principles. integer
mobile_performance A score between 0 and 1 from Lighthouse which determines how well the website is displayed and interacted with on a mobile device. integer
google_analytics A score between 0 and 1 that denotes whether the website uses web analytics. integer
accessibility A score between 0 and 1 that determines how well the website adheres to accessibility principles and regulations. integer
uswds A score between 0 and 1 that determines whether the website uses components from the US Web Design System. integer
required_links a score between 0 and 1 that determines whether a site has the required links (e.g. policy links related to FOIA, privacy, accessibility, etc.). integer
Website Service Category API Fields
Field name Description Data type
website_service_category_id The database key that identifies the Website Service Category integer
name The name of the Website Service Category. string
description Description of the Website Service Category. string