State 1 | State 2 | State 3 | State 4 | State 5 | |
Swimlane 1 | US2345 | US3456 US0954 |
US6543 US0943 |
US94310 |
US23476 |
Swimlane 2 | US3456 | US6543 |
US94310 |
The Kanban board consists of 2 major components; States and Swimlanes.
States refer to the uniform steps that each user story, task, or requirement goes through from start to acceptance.
The Exit Agreement is the agreement amongst the team members of the criteria that must be met in order for a work item to move to the next step in the workflow.
Swimlanes are a more conceptual element that revolves around how work is segmented, whether it be by functional group or priority.