Article Content Model

Article is a basic type of content that is used on government websites. The goal of this model is to articulate a structure for a general article based on the model for article. This model is not intended to be an exhaustive and detailed model of all possible elements that define the structure of an article. Others can extend the model and add more specificity to the model if so desired. This content model does not address print-only articles.

Related Webinars

We recorded the webinar "What Structured Content Can Do For You: Article Model" on May 16, 2014. In it, we discussed what structured content models are and how they can help you create content that is platform-agnostic, format-free, and device-independent. We also discussed the article content model.

Article Content Model Overview

Article Element Field Defintions

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
Title The official title/name of the article, for example "How to file your federal income taxes". true false
Description A brief description of the article. true false
URL The fully specified URL of where the article can be found online. false false
ArticleType A defined list of types of articles. Some examples may include news article, technical article, blog posting, research article, and web page. You should select the most appropriate ones for your use. The values could also be subcategorized depending on the complexity of the model. An implementation model would include definitions for any additional subtypes. false false
Dates Various dates related to the article. It is expected that organizations will add other subfields to this field based on their needs. false false
SourceOrganization The name of the government agency or entity that created the content. Even if this content is not displayed on the agency or organization website, this metadata element will ensure that when this content is made available through APIs or other mechanisms, the source of the content is clearly delineated. true false
Contributor A secondary contributor to the article. For example, when two organizations collaborate on an article. false false
Author In instances where it is important to acknowledge the person who created the article, use this element. This element should use the Person specification form false true
InLanguage The language of the content. Use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard, which references the ISO 639 standard. The Library of Congress maintains the ISO 639-2 list of three letter codes for languages. false false
Audience A defined list of audiences that are appropriate for your agency. This is the audience for whom the article is written - eg., in a health information setting, sample values could be Patients, Health professionals, and Healthcare organizations. false true
References Used to specify bibliographic citations or source references for articles where it is important to cite sources. This specification does not specify the use of one reference citation format or the other. This can be implemented based on the agency’s specific citation style guides. false true
Topics A broad specification of what the article is about. For example an article on air pollution in the Great Lakes area might have “Air pollution” and "Great Lakes" as topics. Implementation models may use further specializations of topics for their purposes - for example, where geographic location is an important aspect of content, there might be a clearly specified element for geographic location. true true
ArticleBody A container for the entire content of the article. true false
RelatedMultimedia A container element for multimedia files associated with the article. false false
AggregateRating An overall rating based on reviews or ratings of the article. The schema for collecting/storing/disseminating rating information is incorporated from's Aggregate Rating schema. false false
IsBasedOnURL A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. false true
RelatedURLs URls to content related to the article. false true

Subelement Field Definitions

Title Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
ShortTitle title for use on list pages or as headlines false false
FullTitle The complete title for the article. For websites, titles should be descriptive so that they communicate what the content is about, as this will help with search engine optimization. true false

Description Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
ShortDescription A brief description of the content in the article for use in link descriptions, or other places where a blurb might be needed. false false
DetailedDescription A complete description of the content of the article that might be useful for search engine optimization, as well as for RSS feeds. true false

Dates Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
DatePosted The date the article was posted in the standard ISO 8061 date format. true false
DateFirstPublished The date the article was first published in the standard ISO 8061 date format. false false
DateLastModified The date the article was last modified in the standard ISO 8061 date format. false false
DateReleased The date the article was first released, which may be different then when the article was posted publically. The date should be specified in the standard ISO 8061 format. false false

ArticleBody Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
ArticleSection Demarcates a section within the article. true true

ArticleSection Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
SectionTitle The title of the section. true false
SectionBody The content of the section. true false

RelatedMultimedia Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Article

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
Video A video file related to the article's content. false true
Audio An audio file related to the article's content false true
Image An image file related to the article's content. false true