Event Content Model

The Event model specifies a core set of content elements that represent many of the events that government agencies present on their digital platforms - web pages, Facebook pages etc.

Related Webinars

We recorded the webinar "What Structured Content Can Do For You: Event Model" on June 13, 2014. In it, we discussed what a structured content model is, what open and structured content models can do for your agency, and provided an overview of the working group’s Event content model, including demonstrating its application from a content and technical perspective. We also provided an update of the Content Model discussion on GitHub.

Event Content Model Overview

Event Element Field Defintions

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
Title The official title/name of the event, for example "First Annual Meeting of Government Web Content Management Community" true false
ShortTitle Title for use on list pages or Tweets. Should be a length of 40-50 characters, for example "Annual Govt. Web Community Meeting". false
Description A brief description of the event for use in link descriptions, marketing materials, etc.. true false
DetailedDescription A complete description of the event to include details that will help readers decide if the event is something they want to attend. false false
EventType A defined list of values describing the type of the event. Some examples are listed below, but you should select the most appropriate ones for your use. When implementing the even model, you should include deifnitions for your event types. Samples might inlcude: Conference, Press Conference, Program Review Meeting, Public Hearing, FACA Advisory Board/Committee Meeting, Workshop, Training, Seminar, Commission Meeting, Virtual Town Hall, and Twitter Chat true false
StartDateTime The date and time that the event starts. Generally, dates should be sepcified using the ISO 8061 Date format. true false
EndDateTime The date and time that the event ends. Generally, dates should be sepcified using the ISO 8061 Date format. true false
AttendanceType A list of values of who can attend the event. Examples might be: Open to public/Open to members/By invitation true false
EventContact How to contact the ageny for more information about the event. true false
Sponsor The organization(s) that is/are sponsring the event. false true
Speaker Whom will be speaking at the event. true true
EventFormat A list of values describing the format of the event, such as in peroson or virtual. false false
VenueInformation Information on where the event is being held. true true
RegistrationInformation Describes how a person can register to attend the event. false false
EventMaterials Describes how materials from the event can be obtained. false true
Topics A specification of what the event might cover. false false
EventFeedback Feedback from the event false false
InLanguage The language that the event takes place in, as specified in the ISO639 standard. false true

Subelement Field Definitions

EventContact Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
EventURL A web URL where people can find out more informaiton about the event. false false
ContactEmail An e-mail address people can e-mail to find out more information about the event. false false

Speaker Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
Name The name of the Speaker. true false
Title The title of the speaker. true false
OrganizationAffiliation The organization whom the speaker is from. false false
Biography A biography of the speaker. false false
SpeakerType A list of values, such as keynote speaker, panelist, moderator, and presenter. true false

VenueInformation Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
VenueType Wether the venue is online or a physical location true false
Location Details on the location of the venue. true true

Location Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: VenueInformation

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
VirtualAddress Information on virtual locations. false false
PostalAddress A physical address for the event, specified based on the Schema.org PostalAddress definition. false false

VirtualAddress Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Location

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
URL A web URL where the event is being held. false false
TeleconferenceNumber The phone number for the event. false false
VideoconferenceInfo Information on how to access the event via video conference. false false

PostalAddress Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Location

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
addressCountry The country the location resides in. false false
addressLocality The city or other locality that the location resides in. true false
addressRegion The state or other region that the location resides in. true false
postalCode The postal/zip code that the location resides in. true false
streetAddress The street address that the location resides on. true false
GeoCoordinates Latitude and longtidue coordinates for the location. false false

RegistrationInformation Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
RegistrationType A list of values describing the type of registration required to attend the event, such as no registration required, reqistration required, registration required for attendence in person, and registration required for online AttendanceType true false
RegistrationCost The cost to register to attend the event. true false
RegistrationURL The web URL where people can register to attend the event. false false
RegistrationNote Any notes on how to register for the event. false false

EventMaterials Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
EventMaterialsType A list of values describing the types of materials available. Examples may include program, agenda, video, report, presentation, and audio. true false
EventMaterialsArtifact Where the event materials can be obtained. This might be a web URL or some other locaiton information. true false

EventFeedback Subelement Field Definitions

Parent: Event

Field Name Description Required Allow Multiple
Rating The average rating the event received via attendee evalutions, etc... false false
EventComments Comments from event attendees. false true