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Below you will find the styling used by for sections or blocks


You can indent a div by simply adding class=”indented”.

I'm not indented

Hey, I'm an indented block

I'm indented, too!

<div><p>I'm <b>not</b> indented</p></div>
<div class="indented"><p>Hey, I'm an <b>indented</b> block</p></div>
<div class="indented"><p>I'm <b>indented</b>, too!</p></div>


If the file is generated from Markdown, you’ll want to apply some markdown specific styling, by using the markdown class.

We collect limited information about visits to This information is used to measure the number of visitors to the various sections of our website and to identify performance or problem areas. We also use this information to help us develop the site, analyze patterns of usage, and to make the site more useful. We do not share or sell visitor data for the purposes of advertising, marketing, or any other commercial purpose. This information is not used for associating search terms or patterns of site navigation with individual users. The information that is automatically collected and stored concerning your visit includes:

  • The domain from which you access the Internet (i.e., if you are connecting from a HHS account, or if you are connecting from George Mason University’s domain);
  • The date and time of your visit;
  • Your location, as approximated by GPS, and other sensors;
  • The type of device you used to access (i.e., mobile or desktop);
  • The operating system of the device you used to access;
  • The pages you visit on;
  • The Internet address of the website you came from if it linked you directly to; and
  • Any search terms that you may enter when searching
<div class="markdown indented">
  <p>We collect limited information about visits to This information is used to measure the number of visitors to the various sections of our website and to identify performance or problem areas. We also use this information to help us develop the site, analyze patterns of usage, and to make the site more useful. We do not share or sell visitor data for the purposes of advertising, marketing, or any other commercial purpose. This information is not used for associating search terms or patterns of site navigation with individual users. The information that is automatically collected and stored concerning your visit includes:</p>
    <li>The domain from which you access the Internet (i.e., if you are connecting from a HHS account, or if you are connecting from George Mason University’s domain);</li>
    <li>The date and time of your visit;</li>
    <li>Your location, as approximated by GPS, and other sensors;</li>
    <li>The type of device you used to access (i.e., mobile or desktop);</li>
    <li>The operating system of the device you used to access;</li>
    <li>The pages you visit on;</li>
    <li>The Internet address of the website you came from if it linked you directly to; and</li>
    <li>Any search terms that you may enter when searching</li>