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Below you will find the styling used by for sidebars

Normal Sidebar

<nav class="sidebar left">
    <li class="current">
      <a class="current">First Section</a>
          <a>Subsection 1</a>
          <a class="current">Subsection 2</a>

Sidebar with Title

If you’d like to add a title, just add a div with class sidebar-title.

If you'd like to add a title, just add a div with class `sidebar-title`.
<nav class="sidebar">
  <div class="sidebar-title">Agencies</div>
    <li class="current">
      <a class="current">Agency for International Development</a>
      <a>Consumer Financial Protection Bureau</a>
      <a>Department of Agriculture</a>

Sidebar with Images

If you want to add images for a row in the sidebar.